Supporting Your Girl Scout Troops
Troops are a vital part of the Girl Scout experience. They offer girls a chance to make new friends, try out a wide range of skills, and explore their world.
Troop leaders work closely with the girls and their parents to ensure the transition from Webelos den to troop is as smooth as possible, ensuring they have a fun, fulfilling experience. They also help prepare Webelos Scouts for the rigors of rank advancement and leadership development, allowing them to thrive in their new troop.
A troop is a group of girl Scouts from the same area under the direction of a troop leader, and is usually made up of 12 to 16 girls. Occasionally, troops have larger numbers of girls.
There are many ways that troop leaders can support their troops, including by serving on a troop committee. A troop committee is a team of volunteer leaders who share the same goals and objectives for their troops. They can work in a variety of areas, such as planning meetings and outings, raising funds through the Girl Scout Cookie Program, managing fund-raising activities, and more!
Recruit and train volunteers to help run your troop. Ask each adult for a commitment to the troop and share specific opportunities that they can participate in, such as becoming the troop treasurer or chaperoning on outings.
Communicate regularly with adults to find out how their family is doing and to share updates on troop events, activities, and news. This shows that you care and will keep the adults involved in their girls’ scouting journey!
1. Talk with your Scoutmaster about the importance of attracting new adults to your troop. Invite them to attend a meeting of new Girl Scouts, introducing them to the organization and allowing them to learn about all the exciting things your troop has to offer.
2. Use a troop tracking form to track the progress of each second-year Webelos Scout and their caregivers. This will allow you to see if they are making progress toward their first rank, or if there are any gaps.
3. Work with the girls to plan a troop-wide event or activity, such as a parade, a special service project, or a family camping trip. This gives the girls an opportunity to show their leadership skills and build relationships with other girls in your troop.
4. Be a mentor to your leaders and encourage them to grow and develop their leadership abilities. This will help them continue to be effective in their roles as troop leaders and give them a sense of ownership in the future of their troop.
5. Be supportive of your leaders when they have to take time away from their families for special projects. This can be difficult for them, but it can also be a way to demonstrate your commitment to their success as troop leaders and to the girls in your troop!
Finally, be sure to thank your volunteers when they have completed their tasks or when they have done a great job. This is the most effective way to let them know that their efforts are appreciated!